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European Academy of Otology & Neuro - Otology

Two classes of dissection courses a) Based on Temporal Bones and b) Based on Cadaver heads are supported.
Basic facilities:
The dissections should be held on full cadaveric heads. Using fresh cadavers are preferable. The ventilation system should be effective for long term dissection.
Microscopes should be equipped with secondary oculars to allow the second participant and the tutor to observe the dissection. The drill systems, and microsurgical instruments should be sufficiently delivered.
There should be one main dissection system established for the tutor, equipped with video cameras and having confection with a projector to make demonstrations and to guide.
Application and practice
Two trainees per head are allowed. One advisor for four participants should be maintained.
To demonstrate the vascular structures of the skull base the use of colored silicones is advised.
The course should be supported with the lectures based on the application of anatomical knowledge to clinical practice.
The course videos should be connected with the videoconference systems for broadcasting online to remote points where other countries could also remotely attend. This can either be established by using professional videoconferencing systems using SDSL connections or through Internet by using ADSL connections.
The courses should be declared to Politzer Society at least 3 months in advance by also indicating the date, time and type of broadcasting activity.
The Courses announced due to the regulations published by Politzer Society will be advertised through the website, discussion forum, newsletter of the Society and will be acknowledged as “Politzer Approved”.

Place: Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
Date: 27.02.2012 - 02.03.2012
Contact Information: m.tijmensen@kno.umcn.nl