Our 16th course on Ear and Temporal Bone Surgery will take place on September 15th – 18th at the ENT
School of Bordeaux. We hope we will be able to present you with new as well as established techniques
from different areas of otology. The course has a clinical and a practical part, i.e. dissection in the temporal
bone laboratory.
Course Description and Objectives
This 4 day course will be given in English in our advanced temporal bone laboratory under intensive instruction and supervision. Each station includes a full set of microsurgical instruments , operating binocular microscope , motorized drill & suction irrigation system
The course is designed for ENT consultants, otology fellows, and residents.
Two cadaver temporal bones are available for each participant for use to practice routine, advanced
temporal bone and middle ear surgical techniques.
Live televised surgical sessions, mixed lectures, and radiology discussions.
Introduce and acquire basic skills in CO2 laser stapedotomy, cochlear implant, BAHA and implantable hearing systems (Vibrant Soundbridge).
At the end of this comprehensive hands-on course, candidates should be able to manage patients with chronic middle ear diseases & cholesteatomas, use the appropriate surgical procedures, understand the management of hearing loss with ossiculoplasty & be familiar with a variety of techniques for ossicular chain reconstruction.